der Mouse wrote:
Using pin count for that same pin spacing, the table
is DA=15, DB=25,
DC=39 (I think), DD=50 (three rows), DE=9. The DE shell is also used
in a 15-pin variant ("VGA"), but the pins are spaced substantially
closer than in the DE-9. DA is probably best known for peecee joystick
connectors, but it also got used for AUI Ethernet back in the 10base5
days, before even 10base2, much less 10baseT.
I tend to think of the shell sizes in terms of approximate finger widths as
it's easier to relate to people compared to the semi-random Dx ordering :-)
Some NCD X Terminals had a DA26 connector - 3 rows of pins in a 'A'-sized
(two-finger ;-) shell. I think some Cisco gear used to use the same connector.
Plus of course there are some weird designs out there in D-shells with a
variety of pin sizes - e.g. 13W3 connectors for Sun/SGI video, and ISTR HP
using something similar but with a smaller (DA?) shell size. (Also, weren't
some Apollo token ring connectors something like a 5W2 on an DE-sized shell?)
There's some other weird stuff about too which uses D-type shells with round
pins, but a much smaller form-factor (shell and pin diameters). I was going to
give an e.g. but although I can picture such a line of machines in my head, my
brain's refusing to put a name to them right now! I'm not sure if they ever
got a D-type designation...