From: cclist at
To: cctalk at
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 10:14:40 -0800
Subject: RE: 1Kx8 EPROMs Intel 8208 vs. 2708
On 7 Jan 2010 at 10:01, dwight elvey wrote:
Hi Chuck
The subject line is a little confusing.
I looked at the two data sheets and can't find
anything that is different.
The 1702A and 4702A have a different negative
voltage but I see no difference between the 8708
and the 2708.
Sorry, it's the 8708/2708. There's a seller on eBay selling a bunch
of Tesla (Czech) NOS 8708s. Since I wasn't familiar with the part
and any web searches brought me to the 2708 datasheet, I wondered if
there was some practical reason for the difference in part numbering.
for the 8708 see in: Intel 8080 System Manual.pdf
for the 2708 see in: C-160 mem Design Hndbk_May77.pdf
There doesn't seem to be any spec difference.
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