On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 20:17:11 +0000 (GMT)
ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk (Tony Duell) wrote:
What sort of
signal? Surely not composite video. EGA
resolution isn't composite video. I was talking specifically
about the IBM
You can have composite video for any scan rates, although
finding a monitor that works with it could be 'interesting'.
However, The IBM EGA card (and I would assume the clones) can
drive a CGA monitor at the standard (TV) rates. No, you don't
get the higher resolution modes, but IIRC you can have more
colours than on a CGA card. For that matter, the EGA card will
also drive an MDA monitor at the MDA rates, and has a graphics
mode that's not the same as hercules...
I ran Windows 3.0 on monochrome EGA for a long time with a TTL
monitor. It has a much better 'aspect ratio' than a Hercules card
and just generally looked better. Microsoft Word for DOS works
pretty well, too. It completely shuts you out of all the hacks to
make a Herc card simulate a CGA, though, so no games. The MDA
modes for the IBM EGA card are very obscure and little third party
software supports them.