... And if
your 33 is really tooo bad to restore - just throw it away
and get another one. They stand around in every corner. [...]
Can I have some of what you've been smoking?
What do you need? Seems a bit
difficult to ship... And it's really scrap. To be clear: I never
scrapped a teletype myself! But I have two units in the basements where major parts have
been taken
out by someone else who used them to complete another unit. Not my fault.
Seriously, you're *way* out of touch with the
current state of affairs
if this is what you really think about model 33 teletypes. Units in
good cosmetic condition and working order sell on ebay for about
$300-400, fairly consistently for the last several years. They have
been fairly scarce over the last year or so.
I disagree. I've been following
eBay for interesting stuff in the last years. Yes, prices are rising
here (Germany), too. But not like in the USA. We never saw a teletype with broken cover go
for $1400
or similar. But we see teletypes ending without bids sometimes. Especially model 35 units
they're to far away to pick up.
The heaviest I've seen so far was an incomplete PDP-8/L on eBay Germany going for
approx EUR 1900.
But that was exceptional and totally crazy.
From my point of view, collecting vintage computer stuff is a game. A bit like a
detective game.
Get information, investigate, find stuff. It's not a business thing. We here also
deliberately trade
our stuff. Or just taking or givin each other. Storage space capabilities are a more
important topic
than eBay prices. I think that makes a major difference between our little scene and
what's going on
in US (especially eBay US).
By the way, it was only about ASR33s. What's an ASR33? A pile of plastic and springs,
that makes a
lot of noise and is ugly inside. I prefer the 5 bit Teletype model 15 (ok, German license
builds) as
a beautiful mechanical machine (Two machines from my collection can be seen working in the
recent "Valkyrie" movie). The model 28 and 35 are quite nice as well. M28 is
very rare here. Never
saw one. Only 35 and 33 are around here.
So would you save a machine like this?
That's the more usual state you find 33s here. The unit in the picture will go to
scrap, I'm pretty
sure. Could try to rescue it if anyone wants it. But shipping to US is very expensive.