On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:53 AM, dwight elvey <dkelvey at hotmail.com> wrote:
?Thanks for the pointers guys. I should have given more information.
It is SRAM and it is fast SRAM 55ns. It is a real 68000 8MHz.
OK... that RAM is plenty fast enough, but you also need to ensure any
memory-mapped peripheral I/O chips are also fast enough if you want to
ground DTACK. We had 4MHz 8530 UARTs, so we _had_ to use DTACK in the
"expected" way.
?It seens that most seem to prefer the DTACK method
over the synchronous one. Is faster or just more versitle?
Simple designs can ground DTACK, more complex designs tend to use
DTACK normally, especially to be able to use less expensive memory.
These days, if I were building a 68000 design, I'd look at fast memory
and fast I/O chips and just do it in the simplest way possible - when
you ground DTACK, what you are doing is telling the CPU that at the
time in the cycle that it would check (and wait on) DTACK, the
transfer has already happened (Data Transfer ACKnowledge) - the CPU
doesn't have to wait _ever_. In a mixed-speed design, if some
component is fast enough, DTACK will be grounded at that point in time
anyway, but through handshaking, not because it was permanently tied
to ground.
?What I'm doing is to try to find the best way to
to my Canon Cat....
?There are 2 empty 28pin locations that were intended for ROMs
Are you trying to do ROM development? Why not use a plug-in ROM
emulator? (I like the PromICE, but it's made by someone that I've
known and worked with, starting 25 years ago, so if you have a
favorite or get one for free, by all means, use it). You don't have
to do any target-machine hacking - you get a rig that matches your
target (28-pin cables, 24-pin cables, 32-pin cables, 256Kx8, 128Kx16,
whatever) - and the PromICE is somewhat configurable in that respect -
then compile the code and download it. It could be tricky if you need
the target machine to compile your code because of the tools needed,
but you could have the Cat make the code, transfer it to another
machine via serial port or network, then keep ROM images on the other
machine so you can try new code and revert back to working code if you
compile up a dud.
I would hesitate to make recommendations on how to hack into an
existing design without schematics in front of me, but if all you are
trying to do is get writable ROMs, I'd seriously recommend a ROM
emulator that's externally loadable (built or bought, makes no
difference there).