isnt it HDV - High Differential Voltage.
Not usually; whenever I've seen it mentioned by acronym it's always
been HVD (probably my contrast to LVD, low-voltage differential).
Remember, these acronyms are adjectives, not nouns.
Sorry to be a nit-picker. And how exactly does one
pick a nit?
If you mean metaphorically, just the way you did, or the way I do in
observing that your "isnt" should be "Isn't". :-)
If you mean literally, well, go find someone with lice (head lice are
probably easier to do this with) and start searching for their eggs.
That's the original meaning of "nit" that gave rise to "nit-pick"
related terms. (There are much better ways to eliminiate lice than
manual nit picking. Trust me.)
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