Subject: Re: need info RE: Dataram DR118A core
From: Lawrence LeMay <lemay at>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 10:17:10 -0500 (CDT)
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic Posts Only" <cctech at>
There is a plastic 16 pin DIP box on the top circuit board, in
the middle of the board near the bottom. It is socketed. If you
are careful, you cal remove the top of the box without pulling
the entire thing out of the socket. This will reveal the 4
jumper wires you need to move in order to configure it.
If I recall correctly, the 8 pins on the left correspond to
the 8 possible 4K memory fields, and the middle 4 pins on the
right correspond to the actual memory fields on the DR-118.
-Larry LeMay
Not enough info. The core I have has the DIP socket but nothing in it.