--- Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
On Sep 5, 2007, at 1:27 PM, Chris M wrote:
Being that *presumably* it has color graphics
capability, someone should grab it. They're not
easy to come by.
Yup. And they do 640x400, which was kinda
unusual at the time.
Not so much unusual, just not so use-ual. Tandy 2000,
NEC APC, APC III, a number of pre-EGA graphics boards.
I really really wanted an IBM 5150 (a real peecee, not
that *Taiwanese junk*, which in reality was just as
good), with a Sigma 400 video card, and a Princeton
PG-12 (I may have screwed the model designation up).
~2500$ in 1986 dollars. A little too pricey for a 19
year old making 3.40$/hour. So I settled on a Tandy
1000. Kept it for about 2 weeks LOL.
The following year I bought a T2K when it went on
sale. The rest is history. In fact all of it is
history. And now so is this here message...
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