Speaking of *nix on "classic" systems...
If anyone is interested in distribution media and documentation for a
no-longer-common flavor of x86 UNIX, "Interactive", write me off list
and I'll put you in touch with a fellow in Ohio with a few cubic feet
of boxed paper and floppies. ISTR it's Interactive 3.2 and includes a
license key for 'vpix', the DOS emulator that was an optional product.
Strangely enough, years ago, I _needed_ that tool because I didn't
own a DOS C compiler, but a friend of mine did - he put it up under
vpix (I already had a login) and was able to compile whatever tool it
was I was working on at the time.
As I said, write me off list if you are looking for what looks to be a
full set of Interactive UNIX materials. The cost should be very close
to "Mailboxes, Etc." postage from Ohio (43085-ish), but I'll let you
and the present owner hash that out.