From: hilpert at
I haven't heard much comment on VCFX although the agenda looked like it was
going to be quite interesting. I was curious what might have been said at the
talk about the 4004 (thinking in part of the discussion here a couple of weeks ago).
I was there for Tim's talk on the 4004. I'd heard most of it before.
Tim has recreated a 4004 from original pictures of the die and films
from Intel. The recreation is all from descrete
Of course it is much bigger.
When they made the chip, it was all layed out by hand. The mylar
film sheets the got from Intel had errors on them and were not the
final mask used to create the chips.
The choise of a 16 pin part was because that was what was being
used for RAMs at Intel. It was done as a cost saving.
Sellam had a Busicom machine to show. It was relabled as a
Unicom or something like that. He'd picked it up at a thrift shop
for $5 and had let it sit in his storage for several years. When
he eventually opened it up, he realized that it was a busicom
with the original 4004 design. Quite a find.
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