At the portion of the work where you just want to get
the stuff
spooled to a file, you dont care about "block size" yet, you
just need to get it pulled off.
Unix will treat any device as a stream of bytes
And therein lies the problem.
Do you see what im getting at here ? hello ?
No, I don't, because your entire example was disk-centric,
which simply doesn't apply to tapes. Tell you what... how
about an empirical test?
Go buy a 9-track drive and hang it on your *nix box.
Let me send you a 9-track tape. You read it any way
you want. You send me the tape back.
Then you go get a second tape, and put the data back on
any way you want. Then send it to me, and I'll tell you
if your technique works or not.
You game?