As for the CDC card reader, it definitely was MUCH faster, probably
at least 10 times the speed. The feed mechanism used air to move the
card though the slot past the photo cells. The rest of the CDC hardware
also seemed to work much better than any IBM stuff. In addition, I seem
to remember that on the UNIVAC 1107 that I used just prior to the CDC
3500 the same sort of card reader was present. What I had not realized
is that the basic design of the card reader may have come from CDC?
My experience with non-IBM hardware started around 1963 with the
UNIVAC 1107 running EXEC II is I remember correctly - a vast
improvement over what was available at the time on the IBM 7094.
I think (i dont have the book handy) that in "A few good men from Univac"
the author discusses some of the CDC card reader history. Can someone
who has a copy hand verify this?
-Lawrence LeMay