On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Joe wrote:
Yes, they describe the \1 switch. It's
also described in some "Read Me
First" pages in the front of the manual.
It might even be the ONLY change, but that is certainly different
from what is in the 1.0 manual.
One would have to be very intent on having a COMPLETE collection
to feel a need to have both.
There appears to be quite a bit of 1.10 specific info in the manual I
have...stuff in the apendices about double sided disks, etc. This is
the Second Edition, May 1982, for version 1.10.
I have a Columbia MS-DOS 1.25 manual also, which is quite primitive
looking compared to the IBM docs. The Columbia manual apparently was
written and printed by Microsoft, with a Columbia cover added to make it
look oem. This manual is also copyright 1982.
I am not quite intent enough to pay $$$ for a PC-DOS 1.00 manual...but
if one drops out of the sky, I'll put it on the shelf with the rest of
my almost complete PC-DOS collection.
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