So after I got my HP 2100 access system working, I noticed that the user
ports (on the 12920 mux) wouldn't work on my Televideo 950. No big deal, I
had a VT100 in the "computer room" and it worked fine. I made a mental note
to investigate the pinouts someday, assuming the VT100 provided a signal the
12920 mux ports were expecting.... something along those lines. Never got
around to it.
Reorganized my "computer room" one day... and hooked everything up to the
Televideo 950 via an ABCD switchbox. Then I brought up the 21MXE access
system, and it suddenly because rather irritating that the TV950 wouldn't
work on the 12920 mux ports, as during the re-org the VT100 was migrated to
a shelf because of the switchbox. Well, now it was a pain so I spent a good
while with a breakout box trying to figure out why an "ENTER" key on the
TV950 would never get a "PLEASE LOG IN" prompt, but on the VT100 it always
did. I spent hours screwing around with custom pinouts, looking at the
control signals and figuring out what when hi/lo and when, etc. I was
Then I noticed that big fat "LINE FEED" button on the TV950 keyboard. I hit
enter, then linefeed, and voila! PLEASE LOG IN. This immediately struck
home, as I know the Access 12920 mux uses an initial CR/LF to do an
autobaud. This clearly told me that the TV950 was sending a CR, rather than
CRLF when the enter key was pressed. Talk about egg on your face ;) I spent
hours looking in the wrong place - vaguely analogous to forgetting to check
that a device was plugged in. Ha. Ha.
So anyways... many terminals I've worked with support setting the
ENTER/RETURN key to generate a CR, or a CR/LF. I can't find any such setting
on the Televideo 950. Is it there and I'm just missing it?
Jay West