At 07:23 PM 7/14/03 -0400, you wrote:
I was given an interesting machine on the weekend. I
was told it was an
clone from Saudi Arabia. One of the manuals that came
with it says micom,
but it doesn't look like my other one which is in a apple II style case with
the built in keyboard. This is in what from the front looks like a PC
with the dual floppies, and an external keyboard which
is missing.
This time I set the camera to the lowest setting so the picture should be a
little easier to view.
Looking at the motherboard it looks like a generic Apple ][+ clone. Clones
based on the same motherboard were sold here (Australia) in XT style cases
like the one you have, smaller plastic desktop cases (floppy drives side by
side) and Apple ][ style cases with external drives. I've had all three
variants over time. I've seens ads for a luggable version with an internal
mono monitor, but I've never found one.