A decent workbench with power and storage I number one
in my book.
Lighting for it number two. Third is a good soldering iron. Around
number 7 is a 'scope after a decent pair of VOM and DVM and simple
logic probe. Number 6 is a quality set of handtools (cutters, needlenose,
screwdrivers and the like). If I were to think on it I'd certainly put
other tools and equipment before a scope.
For electronic test instruments (not including hand tools, etc), my order
would be something like
1) A good VOM (analogue) or DMM, whichever type you prefer.
2) A logic probe
3) A bench power supply (at least 5A output)
4) The other of the VOM/DMM pair
5) A 'scope or logic analyser, depending on what sort of work you're doing
6) The other one of those instruments
7) Strange stuff that you get because you see it at a cheap price and it
looks interesting (curve tracers, valve testers, LCR bridge, etc)
PS. I notice most TTL projects are wire wrapped
that I have seen on the
web rather than having a PCB made.
Obvious reason. Rework in the form of circuit corrections are easily
done with wirewrap and can be costly and time consuming with PCB.
I find it helps when prototyping to be able to build one bit of the
circuit, check it works properly, then add a bit more, and so on. This is
easy with wire wrap, harder on a PCB.