On May 21, 2020, at 11:00 AM, Tom Uban <tom at
figureeightbrewing.com> wrote:
On 5/21/20 9:51 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
I have been working, very slowly, on a
project analogous to yours: a gate level model of the CDC 6600 supercomputer.
Paul, your project is super interesting. Is there a website where I can track
Not a website, but you can see the source files on my Subversion server:
svn://akdesign.dyndns.org/dtcyber/trunk -- the model code and tools are in the
"vhdl" subdirectory. FYA, there's also a "spice" subdirectory,
which contains my attempts at a model of the DD60 display console. It's not accurate
enough yet, unfortunately.
The 6600 model has working peripherals processors and display controller. The CPU
doesn't work yet, I'm still debugging the instruction fetch machinery to get all
the variations of branch timing right. It does start, though (the "exchange
jump" instruction works).