Hi Bruce,
thanks for taking your time to answer my mail! Sorry to leave out details,
i know how frustrating it is if people forget the important bits of
their problems ;)
I have (at least sighted) all documentation from bitsavers:
and read a good amount of code and documentation of the simh project
(because i would like to build a media emulator for this machine
My main problem is that most of the stuff from bitsavers seems to be for
newer machines
that have a builtin ROM? My machine does not have the program load
option (at least theres no switch for it)
and i was under the impression that all documentation i found somehow
just loaded a stored
program for the check procedures. Am i wrong with this?
So, in short i did not find any checkout procedure that looked adequate
for my machine so i just
hacked in some small asm programs that at least ran on the simulator.
Actually, the machine runs simple nop jumps at least
1: jmp 2
2: jmp 3
3: jmp 1
If i remember right when running this program it did not even hang
itself up (aka you could "stop" the machine). But i prepared the popular
"Hello World"
asm example to run without RDOS, and it obviously failed at least
because of the stuck ACs. I mean, how can you write
anything meaningful without using an AC? ;)
By "Reset" i mean pushing the reset switch up when pressing down for
"stop" does nothing. Again i may be subject to
interpret the meaning of STOP and RESET wrong. Clearly this machine is
confusing me ;)
We will examine the power supply for sure! It bugs me that we did not
think of that, since for now we only get
to the machine once per week. We may also have the option to take it
home though....
Also a friend of mine (which should be registering here soon, too - and
is more experienced than me when it comes to electronics)
said that the machine was acting strange when he first powered it up
after it sat for a week (aka cold). Maybe that points
to another aging/heat related/power supply problem.
Thanks for clarifying the internal structure of the machine. I was not
aware of that although i looked at alot bus pinouts,
transfer timings, signal descriptions etc. See above, confusing!
The third party board is unidentified for now. We tried to run without
it but saw the same error. We also already noticed that the
machine runs only with 2 CPU boards and nothing else, at least the PC
counts and the ACs still deposit and load.
I promise to take quality photos of anything you like once we get back
to the machine. I apologize for the bad photos my phone makes.
best regards
On 02/15/13 18:03, Bruce Ray wrote:
G'day Alex -
Your e.mail begs many question.
What documentation do you have?
Are you following the checkout procedures in the DG hardware manual?
What "simple programs" can be run?
What does "reset the machine" mean? Does it mean use the Reset
switch, power off the machine, or...?
The original Nova is an interesting whose big weakness was its power
supply (mainly the higher-voltage memory Vinh and Vmem supply).
Note that console accumulator functions exam and deposit may be
functionally tested without having a memory board in the computer(!).
As Al said, the Nova uses data paths of 4-bit "nibbles" for most
internal transfers - even to and from main core memory(!). Your
symptom appears a common single-bit failure mode.
What is the 3rd party board?
Bruce Ray
Wild Hare Computer Systems, Inc.
bkr at