About a dozen of these came up for sale in a local junk store about 3 years
back. Didn't have the money at the time, so I had to pass. There was a
similiar venture by the Quebec DoE , the machines were made in France.
Can't remember the name. Someplace in Toronto and Montreal there has to
be a stash of these. A local collector and former collegue of mine gobbled up
a pile of Hyperions and about 10 boxes of related material a couple of years
ago here. A considerable number of insurance companies used them.
His collection has to be the definitive Hyperion collection.
In all the collections I am seeing I am surprised no
one has listed an ICON. I
believe this system was local to Ontario, Canada. The systems were made
especially for schools, with a bunch of them in my high school. Either the GUI
or the paint package included was called AMBIENCE. The OS was QNX. The case
was like the PETs - steel one piece with monitor. But it was a colour monitor
and there was also a trackball.
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