I use my amiga 500 and 1200 maybe a few times a week for games, atari 1040
st once every 2 weeks, the IIgs alot lately since its my current project
setting up the scsi card, tandy 1000 HX not much after I verified it worked
(monitor is DOA), C64/128 not much since I dont have the space to set it up
at the moment (they got used alot earlier in the year), old 386 game rig a
few times a month when I play older dos games.
Everything gets used except the Timex 2068 because I forgot where I stored
it. The other systems are setup with their own monitors and are ready to run
with the flick of a surge strip.
I also fire up the old 68k macs (IIfx, 840av, 950aws) when I need to make
IIgs disks, setup some new hardware, capture video, or just mess around with
the old boxed apps I have collected.
I dont see the point of getting older systems if you dont use them on
ocassion, I have enough stuff that collects dust dont need more.