Bulletin 310B just sold for $305
Can't say I didn't give you all a chance once. ;)
Below is the message I posted to the Greenkey (RTTY) mailing
list a week or so ago about the sale of those manuals.
I've got a set on loan from a ham from that list, and I've
been meaning to find the time to scan them, assemble as PDFs,
and burn to a CD-R. Haven't found the time in the last
couple years, though. :-)
- John
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 09:24:06 -0600
To: greenkeys(a)qth.net
From: John Foust <jfoust(a)threedee.com>
Subject: eBay ASR 33 manuals sold at $305...
Bcc: sheldon(a)ameritech.net
In-Reply-To: <384922C5.4BE698D9(a)rtty.com>
At 06:18 AM 12/4/99 -0800, George B. Hutchison wrote:
I do not know the current value of units such as
this. I recently saw
where some fool on ebay bid a humongous amount of money for some model
33 manuals offered by a prominent GreenKeyer. We may be sitting on
Searching completed auctions, I see an ASR-33 tabletop in chipped
condition went for $133, with stand and chipped another went for $120.
Greenkeyer Tom Kleinschmidt sold that ASR-33 manual set (Bulletin
310B volume 1 and 2) for an incredible $305.00. I think he offered
them to me for $30 or so a year or two ago, and I passed. Don loaned
me his set soon afterwards, and I've been promising to scan them and
upload them to the net or a CD-R ever since. See, Don, the manuals
have appreciated in value since I've been holding them for you. :-)
I can't figure out eBay for the life of me. I sold an obscure,
four-year-old workstation hardware guide for $170. I, too, was
ready to give it away at nuisance-shipping prices until someone
told me it was "rare". Mind you, the Adobe PDF version of this
manual is available online for free, and SGI gave the paper
version away to anyone in their developer program. Go figure!
If any Greenkeyer wants to get top-dollar for their old ASR-33s,
configure them with an RS-232 interface so they're ready to go for
someone who wants to connect it to their PC. Collectors really
go for the "well-oiled and well-loved" description, too. The
above ASR-33s sold in "as is" condition.
- John