will come to wonder how you ever got along without
one, even if it's a
2-channel analog scope with relatively low bandwidth. They're so
useful for so many things; I promise you won't regret it (as long as
you don't go bargain- hunting and find one that you also have to fix).
I bought a Hameg HM605, it was working OK, although not fully
calibrated. But it has now developed a fault, with the probe not connected
anything, move the y-POS off the zero line and
you get a 100Hz square
wave. Might need another scope to fix this one....
> My scope is a 100 MHz analog scope with 4 channels that I got on eBay
> for about $200. Everything worked great in it except for a fan, which
> was easy enough to replace. You should be able to find plenty of good
> ones in OK condition for around that price, assuming the UK
> second-hand market is in any way similar to ours.
What makes would you suggest, beyond Tektronix and Hameg, are there any
other makes that are generally good and won't cost the earth second hand?
HP, Gould?
Phillips made some nice scopes which are available second hand.