Generally speaking, any time you see 'RARE!' or 'L@@K!' in an
auction, it's highly overrated common junk. In fact, I generally use
that as a criteria for the credibility of a seller. If they have
several auctions of 'RARE' items, I avoid them like the plague. If it
says 'Unusual', or some other word, I'll give them a look. But I just
love how ceramic 40 pin DIP 8051's are RARE!. If they are, I'm sitting
on a bloody fortune.
Dwight K. Elvey wrote:
I constantly see on ebay sales that say they are
auctioning a 1702. Closer looks show them to be
1702A's. The 1702/1701/1602/1601 were the first
EPROM, not the 1702A. Still, they state that these
were the first EPROM. You can't even program them
with the same algorithm.
Just an observation.