Thomas Dzubin wrote:
I subscribe to the cctech list, but I end up deleting most of the
email without even reading it. The only reason that I subscribe is
so I can send email to the list.
For the most part, I ignore the emails and read the list via web/http
I wish there was a better way...
(I'd like to be listed as a subscriber, get no emails, but still be
allowed to send email to the cctech(a) address)
in that case, go to the URL you referenced, and change your subscription
options so that you are set to 'nomail' - this will mean you do not receive
emails from the list, but as a list member you are still entitled to post to
_ __/| ___ ___ __ _________ "When Microsoft Office is your only hammer,
\`O_o' / _ \/ -_) // / __/ _ \ pretty much everything begins to look like
=(_ _)=/_//_/\__/\_,_/_/ \___/ a nail. Or a thumb." -- Rob Pegoraro
U - Ack! Phttpt! Thhbbt! neuro at well dot com