Hi at all,
please excuse me for my not correct english, i'm writing from Pisa (Italy).
I have a old Ferguson BigBoard1. I played with it almost 20 years ago then I
lost its schematic.
Here its references:
At this moment :
a) I got all doc from here: <http://www.dtweed.com/docs/index.html>
b) I pulled away all chips and I matched the PCB with that schematic
checking all differences.
On the board there is not the Z80 DART so I'll can't try to use
Hyperterminal to connect me to the board.
I think to put the chips asap almost when I'll have:
1) a parallel keyboard: is it anybody could help me to transform a PS/2 or
AT keyboard in a parallel one? Even using the only internal matrix and using
a new keyboard encoder (I prefer less this way cause my limited free time).
In 1983 I used KR-2376 to create the correct character codes.
2) a composite monitor : I have a monochromatic monitor "hantarex boxer 12"
like this
0QQitemZ130182617194QQcmdZViewItem, but i have not its schematic. Is there
anybody who could help me?
With this working I HOPE to can make the board alive to get its "System
Prompt" . Wow!
3) The second step if it will go fine will be to connect my Mitsubishi
M2896-63 8inc Internal Floppy Drive to it. I have two drives but I have not
its manual. So is there anybody who has its manual?
4) If I will can format a 8inc diskette I will need to rebuild the CP/M 2.2
Operating System: So is there anybody who has info to give me to how to do
Thanks so much to all that would help me giving all kind of info, links and
Enrico Lazzerini