At 09:45 AM 9/14/00 -0500, Joe wrote:
At 07:56 PM 9/13/00 -0700, Chuck wrote:
P.S. No, there is no good substitute yet. Nor is there any conclusive
evidence that Halon has any effect on the ozone layer or its "hole".
I've been told that there is now evidence that the ban on freons
(including Halon) has had zero effect on the Ozone layer but that the US
government is unwilling to admit that it was wrong about the relationship
between freon and the loss of the ozone layer.
This is correct (sort of), no one has proven CFCs affect the ozone layer
(its hard to come up with good experiments) and so far the results of the
global experiment (banning the use of CFCs) has been uniformly negative.
[measurable differences in the detectability of CFCs and no measure change
in the behaviour of the ozone.]
The next great disaster headed our way is banning the production of CO2,
aka the "greenhouse" gas.