For monochrome
composite video, or separate RGB
(wheter TTL or analogue),
then yes, all you should beed to do is tweak the
monitor. The horizontal
frequencies are close enough that it will proabably
sync anyway, if not,
then a touch on the horizontal frequncy control
(maybe an inductor) will
do it. The vertical hold control will probably need
re-adjusting, but
that's all.
Curious where I'd put the inductor...
I was refering to the fact that the horizontal hold control might well be
an inductor in some older monitors. You shouldn't need to add an inductor
These are presumably composite color PAL units
(Australia). Have any idea what would go into a
If you feed that into an NTSC composite monitor and tweak the vertical
frequency, you should get a good _monochrome_ pictore.
PAL-NTSC converter (how many (roughly) and what type
of components)? I'm just curious how complicated
something like that would be to construct.
Normally you decode the PAL signal to RGB (or at least to the YUV
signals) and re-encode as NTSC. If you do the first part, you might as well
display the RGB sigals directly, assuming you can find some way to get
your monitor to accemt them.
The decoder is not that complciated if you use the ICs used in older TV
sets (perhaps 3 or 4 chips, cryutal, maybe a delay line, lots of
passives). Setting it up can in interesting the first tiem (I speak from
expeirence). It's not something I'd recomnend tryign to build unless you
have some expeirence with video circuitry.