This one's VERY interesting...
Shop teacher brings up a 486 with a dead harddisk.
Opening it reveals a full-height, 350mb MFM harddisk. Atasi model 630.
It looks like an RD53, it even has the little spinner underneath that looks
like a fan... Anyway, he's got the control cable half-on, and backwards, and
the drive params are greviously wrong. So I reseat the cable, set the prarams,
connect the power to the drive and power the machine on. Spin up sounds normal,
THe drive sounds like it's come apart inside! But it apprears to be
working... So I boot DOS from it and load defrag. Quite a few bad sectors.
Defrag gets underway. CH-CLUNK BUZZZZ CRRRAAAARRRGH etc.
This doesn't sound good... But the drive is still working fine! It's dancing
across the table as it goes, but it seems to be working fine...
So now I'm gonna make a .wav of this, this sounds really great... Expect it
online sometime soon!
BTW, I'm gonna run Norton Calibrate over it, just to see if it's toast or not...