canon F1 is is the king of the 35mm world as far as i can tell
Strting holy wars is rarely a good idea...
Firstly, not all 35m mcameras are SLRs There are plenty of
separate-viewfidner models, with or without coupled rangefidners. There
have even been TLRs Since differnet types of cameras have particualr
advantages in certain applicatiosn, it is silly to sugest athat an SLR --
any SLR -- must be the best camera for all situations.
Seondly, the Coanon F1 is a a good camera, sure. But not everybody
prefers it ot all otehr mopdels. I personally prefer Nikon SLRs. It's a
personal thing. I can't justify it really.
But to argue which is 'best' gets a pointless as arguing wether the C64
is better than an Atarit 800, or wahtever the old-time flamewars are...