At 09:32 PM 8/9/01 -0700, you wrote:
If your Goodwill is anything like my Salvation Army,
it's a waste of a
good business card. They've been given my card weekly for about six
months now with me offering as a volunteer to set up and test any
computer equipment that might come through the door and every time I go
in it's like they've never seen me before. I've spoken with everyone
involved from the 'commander' (and his wife) down to the mentally
challenged individual that actually does the stocking and had absolutely
no success.
This whole exercise in futility started when I found an ADB NeXT
keyboard on the shelf. After questioning everyone there, the
'commander' finally admitted that they plug them in and if they don't
get a Windows or Mac desktop, into the dumpster it goes. He vaguely
remembered busting the black monitor and pitching the slab...
Idiots. (the kindest expletive I can use...)
I love dealing with people like that. I just tell them something like
I would have paid $200 for that piece. I once told a a scrap yard operator
that he had just shredded about $6000 worth of HPs. He nearly fell off his
forklift! Now he calls and tells me when he gets interesting things in.