On Sun, 26 Dec 2010, Chuck Guzis wrote:
> I find it more interesting that some of the 135 tpi users selected
> odd values for the upper limit. HP used 66, I think and Jonos used
On Mon, 27 Dec 2010, Christian Corti wrote:
HP used 35 for their 5.25" DS drives (e.g.
HP82901) and 70 for their 3.5"
SS drives (e.g. HP9121).
35 was, of course the original Shugart SA400. I guess that HP never heard
about, nor believed in, the extension to 40 of the "standard".
Years ago somebody tried to tell me that '35 track' 35.25" disks had a
smaller head slot than 40 track ones and they could never be formatted to
40 tracks. Whs this ever true?
[Mind you, this was the same person who tried to convince me that
formatting the 'other side' of a single-sided disk could ruin the drive
head, although using it asa single-sided disk would cause no damage. I
cannot think how that could be true.]
Then, of course, 79 was simply doubling the SA400 "standard".
I assume that;s a typo. Every time I shift 100011 left by one bit I get
1000110, or 70...
Howeer, was there ever a 70 cylinder 5.25" drive? That is one that was
only designed to use 70 cylinders ? I mean a raw drive, not a
drive+controller like the HP units we're discussing.