Does the system 34 use *" floppy disks? I
don't know anything about S34
but I think I got a bunch of disks this weekend and I think some them are
original disks for the S 34.
Yep, it has a big 8" drive up front, almost
identical in appearance to the
floppy in my Series/1...
I went and started the System/34 yesterday... Gave it a
good looking-over
first. The PSU is really interesting - There's a transfomer bigger than my
head, wires about a quarter-inch thick, and stickers all over that say
But I found one little note inside which makes me think that it's single-phase
reading "INPUT POWER 208V/1PH".
Hehe... I love all those warning labels...
They are EVERYWHERE! Maybe I
should try counting all of them that are in my S/1. BTW, I'm almost
finished converting the CPU on my S/1. It runs on 120V now, I tested it a
few minutes ago, now all I have to do is replace the blower fan and put it
back in the rack. And then on to the disk drives...
And I have a System/34 question... How do you tell which model it is? I've
looked at the labels I could find on the S/34 at a local museum, but I
couldn't find anything. Just the 5340 signs.
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