< It's too bad most micros don't have a debugger in ROM. Except for
< computers made by Apple, I don't know of any. I especially wish the
< PC had a ROM debugger. It would really help me feel like I'm using a
< worthwhile machine.
Shows what you don't know. Non exhaustive list of micros with debug roms:
PDP-11/03, 11/23, 11/73, 11/83, 11/84 (most all the non front pannel 11s)
AMI EV68 series
Motorola 6800D1 and D2
intel SDK-80/85/88
SWTP 6800
ALTAIR-8800b (the front pannel is in a 1702 prom!)
Godbout 8080/front pannel replacement (octal keypad!)
Netronics Exploror 8085
CCS 2200 series s100 crate
Heath H8
Micromint SB180 (z180)
Intel MDS-800
Intel MCS-8 (8008)
MicroVAX series including VS2000, 3100, 4000 and others.
I am very certain I've left a truckload of them off.
Also if the PC had rom basic there are instruction in basic that allow
access to memory, IO and machine language subroutines.