Your explanations of the two methods all seems to make sense to me.
But then again, I'm too new at this to know if it's good or bad!
The variac method is a little easier because you
don't have to dig all
the caps out of the machine, and you can skimp on the math; but it's less
precise, harder to monitor and has the capacity to destroy more equipment
much faster. I've done it once, and it worked, but as I've learned more I
don't think I want to try using that method again. :)
I've always just plugged the stuff in and it hasn't exploded (yet!).
Excuse me if
I'm asking dumb questions, it's because I'm learning as I go.
Yeah, well, as my numerous disclaimers above may indicate, _I'm_ sure as
hell no expert. :) :) :)
But I'm a dummy, just tryng to graduate to something else beyond dummy.
I have a long ways to go to become an expert. There probably aren't
enough years left in my lifespan to allow me to become an expert, but I
may be able to get beyond dummy some time during my lifetime.