Actually, 99% of probelms in old PETs are due to
the terrible IC sockets
used. I find it best to replace the lot with good turned-pin ones. That
may well cure this fault, if not, at least you know that's _not_ the
problem (nothing worst that trying to trace logic faults on a PCB with
bad connections!).
Tony, believe in me: Turned pin sockets are an unnecessary spent money
I beg to disagree. I've had the odd bad contact in the formed-pin
sockets, I've never had a bad contact in turned-pin ones.
For example, I have a Whitechapel MG1. Originally, the 32016 chipset and
the I/O processor were in turned-pin sockets, the EPROMs were in
formed-pin ones. I had all sorts of problems until I replaced the EPROM
sockets with thr turned-pin type. Then no more problems.
The actual sockets are very good for anything. When the pet was made,
the socket technology was awful, but the nowadays sockets are good enough to
rival the turned pin "garry" sockets. Believe me!
Maybe they've got better (although to be honest, I doubt it, most modern
stuff seems to be optimised for cheapness rather than quality). But the
difference in price is not that great, and keeping me from tearing my
hair out is worth something...