About twelve years ago, I was digging through a dumpster
in the office park where I worked at the time, and found
a quantity of what I only just recently identified to be
PDP-11 UniBus boards. Now that I know I have no need for
them, I think they'll be going.
While I'd prefer to trade them, in case I have to sell
them on E-Bay, I'd like to know what it is I'm selling.
Each card has what appears to be a model number, and I
list those numbers below.
Two things I'd take in trade:
A Prime coffee mug, or almost anything of a Pr1mary nature;
A keyboard encoding ROM for a SOL-20 keyboard.
Maybe you'll have something really nifty I'd like, so
if you want to trade but don't have the above items,
drop me a line, make me an offer!
Here are the board numbers:
M5904 quantity three
G7273 quantity three
M7296 quantity one
M7297 quantity one
M7556 quantity one
M9047 quqntity one
M9300 quantity one
M9202 quantity one
thanks in advance,
doug quebbeman