Did you try Com1, Com2, Com3, Com4? There is a serial port int he machine as well and
you may accidentally set them both to the same port as well. Take a deep breath and
look back over the config info with the setup disk. You may also have a DOA modem,
that's a slight chance.
Richard A. Hall wrote:
No go Russ, I tried the ATA both from Dos and from
Procomm Plus. I also tries
"+++" to no avail. Any other Ideas?
On Sat, 05 Dec 1998 22:00:58 -0600, you wrote:
>You may try sending the string ECHO ATA >COMx (x is the comport number) at the
>DOS prompt to see if it wakes up and makes a hellacious scream (that will quit in
>a few seconds). If so then the modem will stay asleep until an intialization
>string is sent to it.