I had a ham license (coded Tech class, KA2UZK) from 1984 to 1994, and
was quite active on VHF FM and HF CW during that time. I've missed it
quite a bit over the years and have always intended to relicense, but
the piles of rules changes gave me pause, as rote memorization isn't
really my strong suit.
Well, the recent discussion of ham radio licensing motivated me to
finally get off my butt and do it. I studied off-and-on for a few days
to assimilate the new rules & regs, and registered for the VE test given
at the hamfest in Hagerstown, MD on April 31st. I sat for all three
exams...Element 2 (Technician class), Element 3 (General class) and
Element 4 (Extra class).
I am very proud to report that I passed them all the first time
through! And, I don't mind saying, the Extra exam made my head hurt.
The FCC processed my paperwork very quickly, and on May 5th I was
granted an Extra-class license and assigned call sign AK4HZ.
Of I'm still in West Virginia handling family business, while all of
my ham gear is in Florida, but my mother (who is house-sitting for me in
Florida) was able to ship two of my HTs up here so I'd have something at
least. When I have access to my HF gear (Yaesu FT-ONE and FT-920, Heath
HW-7, HW-8, and HW-9 QRP rigs, and Heath SB-101) I hope to try out some
of the neat new(ish) stuff like PSK31 that came up while I was away.
High-tech stuff aside, I'm sure to do some plain old SSB and CW on the
HF bands.
Anyway, enough of my blather, I'm just proud to have accomplished
that and wanted to tell everyone. I'm hoping to catch some of you on
the air!
73's DE AK4HZ
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL