Max Eskin wrote:
[Autocad not requiring math coprocessor]
Well, version 12 for Dos, which is what I have, seems to require it.
It refuses to start up, quitting with "80x87 required, but not
present". Whoever said it doesn't, maybe you have a lower version.
If so, which and what's it like? I would certainly be interested in
an older version, such a 7 or 8.
I don't remember the version number, we're not merely talking _old_,
we're talking ancient -- I used to mess about with AutoCAD on the
Tandy 2000 back in 1986 -- an 80186 CPU with no coprocessor (and the
8087 option for the Tandy 2000 was expensive, involving a swapout of
the motherboard).
Try running it on a Sanyo MBC-55x-2 with an 8088 processor and NO Alt
key. An 8087 was around $125 then. I've had handfuls of them in boxes
since then.
Russ Blakeman
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