Josh Dersch wrote:
Warren: Again, the "r" word... What's about my post makes it a
rant? I mean, this is as if I were to accuse others of being
paid by Microsoft... apparently anti-anti-Microsoft rants ARE
allowed. Right?
You are allowed to say whatever you want, but on a list such as this
it is very rarely productive.
This has to be the wisest statement in this thread, so far.
No offense, but your musings seem to be more inflammatory than mere
relations of experience -- stuff like "I could do a better job given
the money". (paraphrasing since my phone won't do copy/paste) does
not come without some emotional weight.
No offense taken. Yes, my experiences have given me opinions. Humans
are DESIGNED to form opinions and conclusions. The process does not
always work correctly, but it is always working. Claims of utter
objectivity by humans are utter bollocks.
But, as opposed to a rant, I really DO wonder how software that has
earned billions and lasted twenty years even has these issues. I've
been involved in many software projects, and a lack of time is second
only to a lack of money as an obstacle to stable code that does its
job. So, I'm genuinely perplexed as to how this process works.
I've no idea what your intent is, but as it is posts in this vein
(see also emacs vs vi, apple vs anything...) mainly raise flames,
they don't really promote useful discussion.
I am less certain than you seem to be. I consider THIS to be useful
discussion, for example. But... Yes, some subjects are close to pure
flame bait. That doesn't mean that discussion is impossible -- just
Well, in that case I'd suggest the cause could be terrible hardware
drivers. They are the cause of the vast majority of instability
problems. I'd also suggest memtest86 to ferret out memory issues.
I've come to the conclusion that it is the NVidia video card drivers.
Others seem to use them well, though. Everything else is rather recent
Dell drivers. *SIGH*
Windows XP generally very stable. I have machines at work whose
uptimes have only been interrupted by power failures.
Good. I'd like to have that record going for me.
If you get regular BSODs do a full dump and I can take a look to try
and narrow down what's faulting.
No, I don't generally get BSOD crashes. I just get response times that
get so horrific that it will take 3-4 minutes to close a simple browser
window, or to shut down Windows Explorer. As I say, with my preemptive
reboots, I have not had these experiences recently. But, if left alone,
they DO end up in BSOD. Would it be helpful to let it go there, just to
get the dump? Actually, though, if you're good at the XP stuff, I have
some files I can't delete I'd like to email you about privately...
And thank you so much for your willingness to HELP in this. It's
refreshing and a fine renewer of the faith!
Thanks again,