Does anyone have any docs or information on a HP 98730 (TurboSRX?)
framebuffer ? To make a long story short, I have one of those boxes and
it's really usefull in showing it to normal PC users that "Oh, that's
just a graphics card" (it's a HP minirack module, about 30cm high and
weighs around 20 to 40 kg). It's a *real* framebuffer :-)
The problem is that I have a DIO-I card 98720 (it's the same size as
a normal DIO-II card but it doesn't have all the connectors) and it's
connected via the LGB (Local Graphics Bus) to the 98730 but I can't get
X working, neither in hp-ux or NetBSD. Normal ITE console works but
graphics won't.
So, do I need something else than the 98720 card ? I've only read about
cards like VDMA (virtual DMA) and like.
If someone can help me out here I'd really appreciate it..