On Wed, 22 Apr 1998, Max Eskin wrote:
> There
were all kinds of small Apple cloners around, with various Apple
> variety and fruit names ("Granny Smith", "McIntosh",
"Pear", etc.). The
Any lawsuits there with that second item?
No, as far as I know, McIntosh didn't sue Apple for using such a similar
name to theirs. :)
Maybe that's why Apple changed the spelling! :)
Apple used the spelling I learned from my grandmother for the breed
of fruit grown most often in her part of New Hampshire. Well, my
part too during my high school years -- a hell of a place to dump an
unsuspecting Angeleno kid.
I still recall the Apple clones mostly being later than the TRS-80
knock-offs -- and the Byte article about the $15,000 Russian
version was not earlier than 1986 -- I remember which employer's
toilet I was sitting on when I read it.
Ward Griffiths
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.
Of course, the main reason they cuddle up is to screw somebody else.
Michael Flynn, _Rogue Star_