Anyone do much hobbying of IBM stuff, especially
S/360, S/370, and S/390?
Big Iron collectors (not that weenie large iron stuff that DEC mostly
made) are notoriously private. A few hang out here, lurking.
Anyone know where I could find some interesting
artifacts, like a 1052? Or other similar-vintage stuff?
I have a rough 1052 with the control unit, but it is not really for
sale - trade maybe for something I need. It is the only one I have
ever seen in the wild.
Basically, S/360 era gear is very difficult to find - especially the
processors. S/370 era gear is much more available, to a point, but the
processors are still maddening well hid. Unit record gear is more
common that this later stuff, but very few collectors want it. Every
year I turn up a cache of unit record gear, but beyond keypunches and
maybe a sorter or two, it all gets orphaned or scrapped.