A few weeks back someone asked about Apple IIGS that looked like a IIe,
well a got one today at an auction for free. The guy that won the bid on
box of electronics gave it to me but he gave the color monitor to someone
else :-( It looks just like a IIe or II case except for the IIGS logo on
the lid next to the apple name. On the bottom it says Apple IIGS Upgrade
Model No. A2S6001 with a serial number following that. No date is on the
bottom but the mother board says Apple IIGS on it also and has 7 slots on
the rear another to the side with a memory expander in it right now. It
has the standard 15pin monitor hook-up like the Mac and round phono jack.
The rear looks like a Mac LC or IIci. No date mb either that I can find.
Have not fired it up yet. Also got a Tandy 1000RL for twenty with kb and
mouse. Got a number of manuals, tech ref's and other written goodies also
from .05 to 3.00 each. Got a apple ext. 3.5 FDHD drive
for free at the
scrap yard but have tested it yet. A IBM 8535-312 missing the memory
$15 will fire it this weekend. Picked up a NeXt N4000B 17" monitor for 16
and a new NeXt software rel 08.30 chip with a date 1988 and serial number
of 000A81. Well that's it for I got more stuff this week than I can list
here for now. Keep Computing John