From: "Paxton Hoag" <innfoclassics at>
I have several Intel IPDs with emulators and eprom burner plugs.
On 1/29/06, Keys <jrkeys at> wrote:
I also have a few boards and some Intel
development equipment.
I have a SIM4-01 with motherboard and 1702A programmer
card. I also have a MDS800 and a series II. I've not
had time to play with the 8080 machines but the MDS800
has a Z80 ICE board in it. I have a number of other
single board development units like SYM-1's. The most
unusual unit I have is a development system for the
Intel i2920 ( not a bit slice part ). These were Intel's
early attempt to get into the DSP world. They'd have
been great about a year earlier but the part was
slow and limited in it's operations. I have a number of
chips for it as well. These are programmable with a
EPROM area for program space. I have an app note
that shows how to make an audio spectrum analyser.