Tony Duell wrote:
And IMHO one common expression of 'brain
damage' is when the design
omitted to ccosider soemthing that later became a major issue.
Do you design for a living? If so, then my hat is off to you for
thinking of *EVERY POSSIBLE* use of the design you have made. I design
for a living, and I think you're asking way too much of a designer. The
best designers plan for the stated requirements and try to consider the
long term, but they are not prophets.
I think subjecting the designers choices to things that came much later
is ludicrous.
And on the RAM at $0000 issue, I think that is simply Intel and the PC
environment responding to bad choices that people made. Intel 8080
designers no doubt assumed (as the MOS folks did), that startup vectors
would be in ROM. The Development Board chose RAM + switches to offer
some flexibility, which is to be expected. That CP/M and later systems
assumed RAM at $0 can't be blamed on Intel. The fact that they later
tried to fix the issue by moving the jump table to the top segment seems
to me to be reacting to the "status quo", not creating a bad design.
CPUs need to fetch vectors from a fixed address. Anywhere you put them
will offend someone. I think Intel putting them at the bottom sounds
like a fine design, at least in the '70s. 'C' and it's desire to have
address 0 be NULL was not around on the micros, and putting it at the
bottom alleviated the need to keep moving it as the "top" of memory
keeps moving up.
And what maces the design worse is that the problem
had been considered
(and correctly solved) before. On the PDP11, the top part of the address
space was used for I/O devices. And it was the top part on all PDP11s,
whether they had 16, 18, or 22 bit addressing.
I don't think I would call that a correct design. It forces all
programs to treat all IO as relative addresses, since they will move as
the design moves. If there are processing penalties for relative
addressing, you've sealed the programmer's fate.
It was a good choice for minicomputers, as they specced out multiple
addressing options for various levels of the market, and programmers all
designed with that in mind. How was Intel to know the 8080 would sell
as well as a DEC CPU?
Applying the accumulated knowledge of history to attack a designer who
did not have access to that knowledge is bad form, in my opinion.
For the record, I despise the segmented architecture of the 8086, but I
truly understand and appreciate the pains the designer went to allow
porting of 8080 apps (I think porting might be too much to call it, I
think a simple assemble would do the trick, as the 8080 assumed a 64kB
address space, which is the same as one segment. Why the overlapped is
unclear to me, but I wouldn't call that a bug. And, I admit that I
despise the segments only because I didn't care about the 8080, and thus
compatibility with it was not on my radar.
I reserve "brain damaged" for something that does not satisfy
requirements available at time of design, or were blatantly obvious at
design time, or shows a clear lack of ingenuity or creativity on the
designer's part, and cannot be explained away by compatibility concerns
or reactive pressures (designing something in because, in spite of the
best efforts to document that people not do it, they do anyway)