Doug Quebbeman wrote:
various implementations of Smalltalk (I have 3 of the
books original projected for publication, Blue, Orange, and
Green; the book on Creating a User Interface that would have
documented using MVC (Model - View - Controller paradigm)
was never finished. Later, the Blue Book was discontinued and
replaced with a Purple Book which omitted details on how to
implement the Smalltalk Virtual Machine.
I have always wondered what was going to go in that fourth book.
Are you saying that the project was started? (I assumed it was
never started.) Do you know any more details?
The two-volume _Inside Smalltalk_ set is a decent substitute
for the missing book, but the code and the page layout are not up
to Xerox' high standards. The text is well-written in some ways
but badly written in others.
The parts that were cut out of the Blue Book to make the Purple Book are
available online at
P.S. If anyone has an extra copy of Inside Smalltalk, volume II,
I'm looking for it. I already found a brand-new copy of volume I
(it may be a first edition, first printing) at Powell's Technical Books
in Portland. They may still have some.
-- Derek