I went to KC last year and Gary Hildebrand and I
went around to a
of local surplus computer places. The only good one IMO was in Topeka. I
don't remember the name but Gary can tell you and give you directions.
Kansas Computer Recyclers in Topeka isn't anywhere as good as it used to
be. First they moved across the street, and left all the really vintage
behind, and then the building they were in was condemmed by the city. Now
they've moved again, and I'm sure things have thinned out again.
Aformentioned is where I got my prize haul of Amiga stuff a couple years
ago. I think the used computer market is so depressed with the dirt cheap
prices of new stuff, that most people just toss the old stuff in the
dumpster. What a waste --- but that is the AMERICAN WAY.
Gary Hildebrand