At 05:41 PM 5/22/00 -0500, Lawrence LeMay wrote:
I could make a single Tar file out of em, and put it on
a web site for a
day or so for you to grab it... or maybe mail you some floppy disks.
Now if I could just get a hold of a wide carriage printer that can do
overstrikes and uses 11x17, or 11x14 or whatever the correct size is...
of course, a DecWriter III is perfect for printing these... Too bad I
dont have the space for one.
I'm slowed by sloth, too. I've been meaning to get around to putting
up all the ASCII files to match the images I have on my site, and to
generate images for the entire collection, but it's time-consuming
and hand-laborious. As explained on my page, I've made a simple C tool
that translates at least one variety of overstrike ASCII into an
Adobe Illustrator file, which easily imports into PhotoShop, thereby
rasterizing into a web-friendly bitmap. Of course, Illustrator will
also do a nice job of printing the art on any laser printer, including
the tricky job of tiling the pieces.
I still harbor the fantasy that I could make a zillion dollars
by firing up the ASR-33 in the basement to crank out RARE ORIGINAL
ASCII art posters that could be sold on eBay.
- John