On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 4:07 PM, Josh Dersch <derschjo at gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 10:06 AM, Ethan Dicks
<ethan.dicks at gmail.com> wrote:
I have a box at home with _a_ SDI->ESDI board
and two 600MB ESDI
drives. I will see about cracking it open to see what's inside.
Thanks. Even lacking docs, if you have the same (or similar) SDI->ESDI
board that's in mine it would be useful to know. It'd probably also be
interesting to know what model drives you have in there.
Sure thing. I don't know model numbers off the top of my head, but
the drives are whatever 5.25" full-height ESDI drives would have been
common in that era, and I can take a photo of any jumpers.